Cleaning & Organizing Laundry Laundry How-Tos

How to Clean Stuffed Animals and Toys

stuffed animals and washing supplies

The Spruce / Ana Cadena 

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 1 day
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Cleaning well-loved stuffed animals and toys properly and regularly is essential. Not only is it important for maintaining basic cleanliness, but it also keeps toys in good condition to prolong their lifespan.

Cleaning methods depend on the particular toys—some are machine-washable, others should only be hand-washed, and some can't come into contact with water at all because of features such as musical mechanisms. If there is a tag with care instructions attached to the toy, follow the directions to prevent any damage. For toys with no tags, stay on the safe side and opt for one of the below methods for cleaning stuffed animals and toys that are non-washable.

Keep reading to learn how to properly and easily clean washable and non-washable toys.

How Often to Clean Stuffed Animals

Remove dust and surface dirt at least once a month. Nap time or night hours are good cleaning times. Use a soft-bristled brush or the vacuum upholstery tool to prevent dust from becoming the base for heavier soil.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Washer
  • Laundry tub or sink
  • Mesh laundry bag


  • Regular or gentle laundry detergent
  • Water


items for cleaning stuffed animals
The Spruce / Ana Cadena 

How to Clean Stuffed Animals in the Washer

If you have located a tag and it says the stuffed toy is machine-washable, you're in luck. Just a few simple steps might just return the animal to your child in nearly new condition.

  1. Prepare the Toy for the Washing Machine

    placing the stuffed animal into a mesh laundry bag
    The Spruce / Ana Cadena  
  2. Hand-Wash an Older, Worn Toy

    • If the toy is older or in a delicate condition, and you don't want to risk it in the washing machine, then you can hand-wash it with a gentle detergent and cool water.
    • Gently squeeze the cleaning solution through the toy and then rinse by squeezing clean water through the toy with no wringing.
    Rinsing off a stuffed animal

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  3. Dry the Stuffed Animal

    • To prevent damage, allow the toy to air dry. Roll it in a thick, clean white towel to help remove moisture.
    • Then, hang it to dry using clothespins or dry it flat. If you must use a clothes dryer to save time, use the lowest heat setting possible. Some synthetic furs, while washable, may melt in high heat.
    rolling a stuffed animal in a towel
    The Spruce / Ana Cadena 
  4. Groom the Fur

    If the toy has fur, use a soft-bristled brush to fluff up the fibers. Work slowly one small section at a time to prevent tangling and pulling out the fibers.

    grooming the stuffed animal
    The Spruce / Ana Cadena  

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How to Wash Stuffed Animals and Toys By Hand

spot cleaning a stuffed animal

The Spruce / Ana Cadena 

Not all toys are machine-washable, whether it's because of a mechanical component, a musical element, the inner stuffing, or glued-on decorations that don't stand up to water. For stuffed animals and toys that are not machine-washable or there's no tag and you'd rather not risk damaging the toy in the washing machine, follow one of these three ways to clean a non-washable stuffed animal.

materials for cleaning non-washable stuffed animals
The Spruce / Ana Cadena 
  1. Spot clean the toy. Grab a white cloth to spot clean stains. Do not use a colored cloth as it can cause the color to transfer. Next, dip the cloth in a solution of one teaspoon of gentle detergent and one cup of plain cool water. Blot at the stains and keep moving to a clean area of the cloth as the stains are transferred. Alternately, mix your own solution of oxygen-bleach (brand names are OxiClean, Nellie's All-Natural Oxygen Brightener, or OXO Brite) and water, following package directions to mix the solution. Just do not use oxygen bleach solutions on wool or leather toys.
  2. Rinse and air-dry. Wipe down the cleaned area with a cloth dipped in plain water to remove any cleaning solution residue and allow the toy to air-dry completely before handling.
  3. Absorb odors with baking soda. If the toy has a foul odor, place it in a resealable bag, sprinkle it with baking soda or cornstarch, and shake vigorously to absorb any grease, odor, and dust. Remove the toy from the bag and shake it out outside or vacuum carefully using an upholstery brush.

Tips for Cleaning Stuffed Animals and Toys

dry cleaning a stuffed animal

The Spruce / Ana Cadena  

  • Do a regular check. Periodically check toys for rips, dangling buttons, loose eyes, or unglued decorations, and make repairs promptly to avoid further issues.
  • Clean and disinfect after a sickness. Always wash or clean a stuffed animal that was used to comfort a sick child. Disinfect a washable toy by using a laundry sanitizer in the wash. Don't spray a stuffed animal with a disinfectant because the spray could ruin the animal's fur.
  • Replace old filling. If the toy is well-loved and it's not machine-washable, carefully split a side seam and take out the stuffing. Hand-wash the outer skin in cool water using a delicate detergent, then lay flat to air-dry. Replace the original stuffing with substitute polyester fiberfill which is completely washable, then stitch the toy back together.
  • Test a small spot. If the stuffed animal is dressed in colorful fabric clothing, do a color test to make sure cleaning won't ruin the toy. Rub a small drop of diluted detergent on a hidden spot and if the color comes off, use only water to spot clean the item.
  • Save care instructions. For newly purchased toys, if they don't have tags with care instructions, either keep the packaging with care instructions or to save space, snap a picture of them for future reference.
  • Can you put stuffed animals in the washing machine?

    Some stuffed animals are machine washable; Check the tag and if it is, vacuum off any dust, place it in a mesh bag or pillow case, and wash on a delicate or gentle cycle in cold water.

  • How do you clean a stuffed animal that cannot be washed?

    Stuffed animals and toys that have music boxes and other mechanics in them can't be thrown in the washer or hand-washed. Freshen them up by spot cleaning stains, vacuuming dust off, or putting them in a zip lock bag with baking soda to absorb grease and odors.

  • How do you clean stuffed animals without ruining them?

    If the stuffed animal has a tag, check for care directions. When using a washing machine, protect stuffed animals by placing them in a mesh bag or zippered pillowcase.

    Always use cold water whether cleaning toys in the washing machine or hand-washing them, and test any cleaning solutions in a small, hidden spot first to ensure they don't ruin the toys.

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  1. Ibfelt T, Engelund EH, Schultz AC, Andersen LP. Effect of cleaning and disinfection of toys on infectious diseases and micro-organisms in daycare nurseries. J Hosp Infect. 2015;89(2):109-115. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2014.10.007